For general help about using the Notanant system. Relevant for Guests, Members and Owners.
How to create, place and manage sidebars and boxes. If your new to editing read this first. Using the page editor and populating new areas to add things like images, links and anchors.. Instructions on adding and removing articles Adding and removing content areas and content types A guide to uploading, positioning and maintaining images. We also have an image tutorial video located in the tutorials section. Infomation about people and sites How to copy and paste on Notanant (members and articles) How to use the calendar and event facilities -UNDER CONSTRUCTION- RSS and Notanant The featured component collects links, external or internal, and can be used to bring them onto the front page as featured items.
Sidebars and boxes
Editing - First Steps
Editing and the WYSIWYG editor
Content Areas
Help with Images
Copying and pasting
Component Help
RSS feeds
Featured links