Description of Levels
This refers to your main site on Notanant. You can chose components and templates at this level to affect the entire site and underlying pages. Most administration changes are done at this level, like permission settings and adding new members.
Notanant sites can be divided up into subsites. Subsites can have their own members and settings. An example of a typical subsite application would be 'products' , this would then contain different product catagories in the form of content areas (see structural example below).
A special form of subsite is called a Division which is used for particularly large sites to help navigation. When a site contains many subsites, a division can be used to divide the site into large areas.
Content Areas
Content areas are used to divide sites into content areas. If the subsite was company products, then the content areas might be product ranges. Each site or subsite in your structure can have it's own content areas and articles.
Articles and content areas content
The lowest level to the site's information structure, articles make up the content and infomation pages of a site and are nested inside content areas. Articles can be pictures in a gallery, posts in a forum, news items etc depending on how you have the content area set up.