Officer Permissions
As a default other members and visitors can not edit pages on your site. If you want to enable a person to be have the ability to edit your site you can either set your member permissions to 'delete/modify', which will affect all members, or set up an officer type to allocate to members of your choice.
Officer permissions can be bespoke to a particular officer type eg 'editor'. You can then give individual members an officer type of 'editor' and they will automaticaly inherit the permissions of the officer type.
To add an officer type
Go to 'site settings' then choose 'permissions'. There will now be an option to 'add officer type'. Giver the officer type a reference name and choose the permissions the new officer will have. These permissions work in the same way as normal permissions (see previous section). Once you have submitted the new officer type you can allocate it to members of your choice.
Giving a member an officer status
Once an officer type has been set up you can allocate it to any number of members. Only existing members of your site can be officers and the permissions will only affect your site.
First go to 'people' from the main page to view your members. Next select a member (More...), then choose 'change officer status' from the page links. You can then select an officer type for the member. The new permissions will be allocated immediately.