Website accessibility

About the system

Notanant enables you to build highly functional web-sites and internet applications in a matter of minutes just with a web-browser.

The essence of Notanant is in its design and structure. Under the skin, Notanant uses a sophisticated site-and-subsite model for members, role-based access and information, linking members and membership services to access control (including privacy) and content management, creating a framework that allows for complex site structures to be developed quickly and easily.

On the site, what you see and the options you have are controlled by who you are and the log-in permissions you have for each part of the site you visit. This gives us the principle of where-you-are-is-what-you-edit, with no need to step into a back-of-system administrator area, this makes it extremely easy to make changes and additions to the site in the places they need to happen.

Notanant may just look like another website at the moment, but that is because we want Notanant to look and feel like a website. It is only with more depth that you understand the full capabilities and see it for the extensive web-application it is.

Community based websites and communities of sites - what do you mean by that? Here we explain the philosophy behind Notanant and some of the things that Notanant lets you do.
Where Notanant comes from
Notanant is a product that has developed from the understanding of the internet and organisations by, a specialist market intelligence agency based in Bath in the UK.
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